Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Doc Mode Activity 3

For this doc mode activity, I first approached it as an autobiographical documentary. However, there is not much of a personal linear narrative, but more of a reflection on something I have learned in life. I was going to try to include a more linear story from high school but it didn’t really work in the flow of the analogy I am making in this doc so I cut it. Even though I don’t have a personal linear narrative I feel that the it still in a autobiographical documentary because I am talking about a principle I have learned in life. My choice of still photos moving with the ken burns effect was inspired by the film we watched in class about the girl who met her biological parents in China.  

The Fox reading discussed how the autobiographical mode was a presentation of self. I feel that this piece is a presentation of my outlook on life and how one needs to strive for a balanced life. Finding balance in life is something I struggle with and so I feel very strongly about trying to implement this idea into my life. 

For this piece, I also feel it is part observational because of the observational photos of my making bread. I am documenting a process but using it as a means to illustrate the analogy about life I am making. Because of the symbolism and the sound effects I use I also feel the documentary has a poetic aspect to it. The background sound are the sounds of my making the bread. I was inspired by last semesters 112 project of documenting a process for this aspect of the film. By incorporating this various modes to protray my autobiographical documentary I feel that this film is also multimodal. It combines the autobiographical, observational, and poetic modes. 

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